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PE (Physical Education)

Inspire • Enrich • Enjoy • Succeed

We aim to provide a PE curriculum that pupils from EYFS to Year 6 not only enjoy but which also allows them to experience a wide range of activities that promote healthy lifestyles and physical and mental wellbeing. We will provide opportunities for children to become more physically confident and capable in activities which compliment a healthy active lifestyle. Through careful strategic planning, we seek to provide our children with the opportunity to experience progressive, enjoyable, and active lessons within a wide range of activities, both individual and in teams.  Our hope is that every child will find an activity which they enjoy and want to pursue beyond childhood.

Our PE curriculum also ties in our Federation’s values:

  • to inspire our children to willingly participate in sport and healthy activities;
  • to enrich learning with memorable, enjoyable, positive sporting experiences;
  • to have the opportunity to succeed in a wide variety of sporting activities.


Through competition both inter-school and intra-school we aim to both build character and help to embed values such as Fairness, resilience and respect.

Our PE intent relates to our whole school intent, including and extending the EYFS Framework 2021 (in particular the Physical Development ELGs), and the National Curriculum Programmes of Study, as well as providing for the unique needs of the children within our Federation family.  Skills, knowledge and understanding are developed year on year and sequenced to maximise their learning.


It is our intent that by the time children leave our school they will:

  • Developed and demonstrated competence in a broad range of physical activities;
  • Will understand the importance of being physically active for sustained periods of time, and take responsibility to ensure that they are;
  • Readily engage in competitive sports and activities;
  • Lead healthy, active lives.

Children are taught twice weekly by a qualified PE teacher from EYFS to Year 6. The curriculum is enhanced by participation in numerous competitions both inter and intra school. Providing an opportunity to practise skills, techniques and tactics learned in lessons against other schools in the local area. The children have equal opportunities to take part in a wide range of physical activities and sporting opportunities within a supportive enjoyable environment. Success is rewarded, as is teamwork, determination and resilience.

The curriculum is structured to provide a range of sporting experiences in which students learn through team and individual activities and put these into competitive situations. This in turn develops progress in skills, increasing understanding and motivation. Children with additional needs are provided with appropriate support to take part and experience progress and success.

We provide after school sports clubs 3 days a week (for up to 2 hours each day) which provide further active opportunities.

Our inclusive PE curriculum incorporates Forest Schools activities whereby students can become familiar with the outdoor environment and utilise these skills to enhance their healthy active lifestyle.

Swimming is undertaken with the focus on children achieving the minimum standards before the end of Year 6. We identified the significant impact of the pandemic on swimming ability (as a result of pools being closed to schools for a lengthy period), and prioritised this life-saving skill through our pledge to ensure that children continue with weekly swimming lessons until they can competently swim 25 metres.

By the time our children leave Year 6, they have:

  • The ability to swim 25m before the end of Year 6 and gain knowledge and competence of how to remain safe in and around water.
  • The acquisition of new knowledge and skills, and an understanding of Physical Education and healthy lifestyles.
  • The willingness to practise a range of activities, improving and applying these activities in various sports/games to show progress and potentially achieve high levels of performance.
  • High levels of physical fitness
  • A good understanding of a healthy lifestyle, including knowledge of the positive impact of regular exercise and the negative impact of smoking drugs and drinking alcohol.
  • A keen interest in PE, demonstrate enjoyment in lessons, good attitudes to the activities and take part in the extracurricular options available to them.