Art and Design
Inspire • Enrich • Enjoy • Succeed
“Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else.”
Sydney Gurewitz Clemens
Our Art and Design Curriculum aims to inspire an appreciation of visuals arts through rich and varied learning experiences. We believe in unleashing creativity, empowering our children to have the confidence and skills to express themselves as they choose. We recognise the power of visual arts in providing for personal and emotional development, supporting mental wellbeing. We support each and every child to believe that they have the potential to succeed and be an artist.
Our Art and Design intent relates to our whole school intent, including and extending the EYFS Framework 2021 (in particular the Expressive Arts and Design ELGs), and the National Curriculum Programmes of Study, as well as providing for the unique needs of the children within our Federation family.
It is our intent that by the time children leave our school they will:
- Celebrate an enjoyment of the visual arts, having been exposed to the best thought and created, and that some will go on to succeed as artists and designers making a positive contribution to society;
- Have a sense of the impact of Art and Design locally, nationally and globally; how it can represent culture and social aspects of the diverse world in which we live;
- Have had the opportunity to enjoy and respond to a wealth of artists and art and design styles, developing and embedding their knowledge and skills so that they can readily apply this to their next steps in learning;
- Recognise the importance of the need for the responsible sourcing and use of materials, drawing upon their knowledge of the significance of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals;
- Be confident to express their thoughts and feelings in words and art.
Our Art and Design Curriculum is founded on the Kapow Primary scheme of work which provides a really comprehensive, motivating and progressive model, written by subject experts. The curriculum has 4 strands that run throughout. These are:
- Making skills
- Formal elements (line, shape, tone, texture, pattern, colour)
- Knowledge of artists
- Evaluating.
These strands are revisited in every unit with increasing complexity in a spiral curriculum model which promotes memory retention and allows pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Regular and repeated opportunities throughout the course of the academic year support a mastery approach to learning in Art and Design. There is a continuous focus upon the knowledge and correct use of a rich and varied vocabulary.
Art and Design is taught as a discrete subject, with links in learning being made with other curriculum areas. In addition, opportunities through wider aspects of school life enhance our Art and Design Curriculum and have been carefully planned for.