SIAMS Inspection
As our school is a Church of England Primary School, it is also inspected by the National Society who work closely with the Church of England. The SIAMS inspection focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the church school has on the children who attend it. We were last inspected in November 2023 and are proud of the many positive comments:
• There is a clearly articulated Christian vision that underpins decisions at every level. This is further enhanced by the use of the school values that are known and lived throughout the school community.
• Effective partnerships with the church and Diocese are evident. Those relationships enrich and deepen the Christian work of the school enabling everyone to flourish together.
• Adults and pupils value their time to gather together for collective worship, appreciating times of stillness and reflection.
• All are clearly loved at Thornton Watlass with everyone's wellbeing prioritised by all leaders. As a result pupils and adults in the school community flourish.
• Work on 'The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals' enable pupils to have an understanding of the world around them. This supports them to know how to make effective changes for the future.