Planet Protectors
On Monday 14th June 2021, our school eco group 'The Planet Protectors' was formed. The group is made up of a growing number of children in our school who care deeply about environmental issues and have a real desire to protect our planet and wildlife. They are in the process of designing a logo for their group, so watch this space. There is plenty more to come and we look forward to sharing our ideas and encouraging others to take action.
The group will meet fortnightly, on a Wednesday lunchtime. New members are more than welcome to join us.
Wednesday 21st July 2021
Our group met today to share designs for 'The Planet Protectors' official logo and to share ideas and plans for the Autumn term. It was so impressive to hear everyone's ideas, from composting and recycling to creating homes for wildlife and bugs.
The logo designs have been presented to Mrs Wood and she has selected two, which will be merged and made into a graphic image for our website. Watch this space!
Monday 23rd May 2022
The school's 'Planet Protectors' group visited Nosterfield Natural Reserve and took part in conservation work to reintroduce plants to the wetland areas. Some of the plants they planted, into compost sacks, have now become very rare in the local area and so we aim to preserve these for future generations to enjoy.
In the summer term, we plan to take each Year group, so they can volunteer and learn about the role and jobs conservationists carry out.