Collective Worship
Collective Worship at the Federation of Snape Community & Thornton Watlass CE Primary Schools
This summary is written with reference to the 1988 Education Reform Act and DfE Circular 1/94, which remain the current guidance on Collective Worship in school.
Whilst the term “worship” is most commonly used in reference to paying homage to a divine power or being, it can also refer to the celebration of/honour paid to individuals or things that we, as a community, consider worthy.
Collective Worship is an important part of the school day. It takes place in the hall; this is led by our Class Teachers. On Friday, we have a reward and recognition collective worship.
At the Federation of STW, our philosophy is that Collective Worship:
- Is invitational, inspirational and inclusive
- Is an expression of the Federation's Christian Vision
- Explores biblical texts and the teachings of Jesus
- Provides opportunity for spiritual flourishing, reflection and stillness
- Explores and deepens understanding of the Federation's Christian Values
Acts of Collective worship at the Federation of STW may include:
- Exploration of biblical texts
- Drama
- Music
- Literature
- The use of artefacts and imagery
- Guest speakers
- Children presentations and leadership
We are proud of the diversity of our school community and believe that we offer a programme, which celebrates this whilst offering opportunities for individuals to practice their personal faiths and beliefs.
We value our children's contributions to Collective Worship and give them the opportunity to plan and deliver Collective Worship to the whole school. This is great for their personal development; they enjoy the responsibility.

As part of our partnership with our local church, Reverend Canon Simon visits Thornton Watlass regularly to deliver Collective Worship.