Inspire • Enrich • Enjoy • Succeed
“Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?”
Michael Palin, 2007
Our Geography Curriculum aims to inspire our children to develop interest in the natural and human aspects of the world in which we live, providing a range of opportunities to explore the relationship between the Earth and its people. Geography helps young people to become more aware of their planet and develop into informed individuals in an increasingly challenging and unpredictable world.
Our Geography intent relates to our whole school intent, including and extending the EYFS Framework 2021 and the National Curriculum Programmes of Study, as well as providing for the unique needs of the children within our Federation family.
It is our intent that by the time children leave our school they will:
- Have a fascination about the geography of our local environment, as well as the wider world, which will remain with them for the rest of their lives;
- Possess key locational knowledge which allows them to relate where we live to our country, to Europe and to the wider world, and recognise globally significant places, making comparisons to support an understanding of diverse places, people, resources, and natural and human environments;
- Have developed a deep understanding of key physical and human geographical features of the world, along with how these bring about variation and change over time;
- Become informed individuals ready to take their place in an increasingly challenging and unpredictable world, in particular developing an understanding of the significance of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in helping to shape the future of our world;
- Be equipped with the necessary geographical skills (including enquiry and field skills) and rich geographical knowledge which is not only transferable across other curriculum areas, but will prepare them for their next steps in education and work.
Our Geography Curriculum is carefully designed to provide repetition of knowledge: building upon prior learning and making connections; and identifying how learning prepares for and links to the next stage. Regular opportunities to develop knowledge and skills of core aspects is carefully planned for, i.e. locational and place knowledge; compare and contrast. The children will meet these aspects throughout the course of every academic year, and will be supported to make connections. This approach enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of knowledge and skills. There is a continuous focus upon the knowledge and correct use of a rich and varied vocabulary.
Long Term Plan for Geography
Learning Progression in Geography
Geography is taught as a discrete subject, with links in learning being made with other curriculum areas. In addition, opportunities through wider aspects of school life enhance our Geography Curriculum and have been carefully planned for.