School Milk
School Milk
Allowing children access to milk:
In order to comply with government standards, we allow children in all year groups to access the milk scheme. Parents can register and make payment for their children by simply registering online at, which is applicable to all children who want to continue to have milk on a daily basis, following their 5th birthday. Please ensure you register the milk at which your child is based, not to the site they are registered to.
All children under 5 are entitled to free milk and the school will complete this process for you.
Allowing free milk access for children entitled to statutory free school meals:
For children entitled to statutory free school meals, they are also entitled to a free daily serving of milk. Please inform us should you wish your child to receive this.
If you have any further queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact the Cool Milk dedicated team directly on 0844 5572 237 or via