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MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)

Inspire • Enrich • Enjoy • Succeed


"Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world."  Rumi

"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." Frank Smith


Our MFL curriculum develops the knowledge and skills required for learning a foreign language, enabling our children to become members of a multi-cultural society which is pivotal for their futures. We have chosen to teach French and Spanish on a two-year rolling programme to provide a greater knowledge and appreciation of: other cultures, a deeper understand of their world and knowledge of how language works.


In line with the National Curriculum for Primary Language 2014, we aim to enable our children to:

  • Develop awareness, appreciation, and a respect of different cultures around the world, allowing them to become global citizens;
  • Have the confidence to read, speak and listen to foreign languages on future ventures;
  • Have an understanding of basic grammar in foreign languages which they can apply when learning any future languages, in both reading and writing;
  • Have an interest in foreign languages and other cultures, and be equipped with the transferable skills needed for future language learning.


We have chosen to use Language Angels to drive and support the teaching and learning of MFL as it has been designed by foreign language teaching specialists and linguists. Not only does this ensure the progression of well sequenced knowledge and skills but also supports high quality teaching.

Our curriculum planning in MFL ensures a repetition-based approach through which children can develop a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of knowledge and skills, supporting children to make connections with prior learning and deepen knowledge in future learning.  Speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar are embedded throughout each unit.

MFL is taught as a discrete subject, with links in knowledge being made with other curriculum areas, i.e. Geography (locational knowledge).  In addition, opportunities are created to enhance learning of MFL and include enrichment events/ days.

Long Term Planning
