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Inspire • Enrich • Enjoy • Succeed


“The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers; he is one who asks the right questions.”

Claude Levi-Strauss


Our Science Curriculum aims to encourage a sense of the significance of science in the world around us, nurturing curiosity and encouraging children to question.  Our children are exposed to a wide range of memorable and meaningful experiences, designed to develop their scientific knowledge whilst enabling them to engage their inquisitive minds and investigative skills.


Our Science intent relates to our whole school intent, including and extending the EYFS Framework 2021 (in particular ELGs linked to Understanding the World), and the National Curriculum Programmes of Study, as well as providing for the unique needs of the children within our Federation family.


It is our intent that by the time children leave our school they will:

  • Demonstrate an enjoyment of science, recognising that we are all scientists, and show an appreciation of science within our community, and within the wider world;
  • Possess both the substantive and disciplinary knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future;
  • Be equipped with knowledge and skills as scientists (including questioning, hypothesising, predicting, concluding) and be able to transfer and connect this;
  • Be inspired to become carers of our planet, recognising the need for a collective responsibility through their awareness of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


Our curriculum planning in Science ensures a repetition-based approach through which children can develop a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of knowledge and skills, supporting children to make connections with prior learning and deepen knowledge in future learning.  Working scientifically is embedded throughout the content of the three subject disciplines: biology, physics and chemistry.  Each of the scientific disciplines gives children a unique perspective to understand and explain the world around them.  There is a continuous focus upon the knowledge and correct use of a rich and varied vocabulary.

What Our Children say about Science in our Federation


“I enjoy science - learn a lot about actual things and details.”

“I find science fun- I enjoy how we get to do tonnes of experiments.”

"It’s one of my favourite subjects – the experiments we do – experiments help me learn."

"Hands on stuff is important in science."

"You need hands on stuff to learn things that we haven’t learned before."

"This year I have really enjoyed the heart dissection."

Long Term Plan for Science

Learning Progression in Science

Science is taught as a discrete subject, with links in learning being made with other curriculum areas, i.e. PSHE (puberty and health) and Mathematics (statistics).  In addition, opportunities through wider aspects of school life enhance our Science Curriculum and have been carefully planned for, as is evident within the following documents:
