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Welcome Message from the Chair


As Chair of Governors of The Federation of Snape and Thornton Watlass Primary Schools, I would like to extend a warm welcome to those of you visiting our website where you will find a wealth of useful information which is constantly updated. 


We have a clear school vision: Inspire, Enrich, Enjoy, Succeed, and this is supported by our Christian values which provide a safe structure for every member of our school community to feel listened to, respected, and valued.


Following a judgement of 'Good' from Ofsted earlier this year, the governors remain committed to continued school improvement, and to the provision of a rich, challenging curriculum, delivered by well led, enthusiastic and inspirational staff. We work closely with the schools’ senior leadership team, local authority advisors and representatives from the Diocese to continually review and refine the quality of our provision to ensure that the federation's strategic and operational systems and policies are effective.  


The schools within our federation are the hearts of our villages and communities, the children are our future farmers, teachers, parents and neighbours. It is hard to see a more vital, valuable, worthwhile investment to make than in our children's education, safety and wellbeing. I am incredibly grateful to my fellow governors, including staff governors, who voluntarily give their time, outside of school hours, to keep up to date with courses and policies, attend meetings and conduct school monitoring visits. My appreciation extends to the Friends of STW and parents who volunteer to run events and raise extra funds. Most of all I am grateful to the children and staff, both teaching and non-teaching, who make our schools such wonderful places to be. 


If you feel you would like to contribute to our schools as a governor, volunteer, or in any other capacity, contact the school at .


Ian Towning 

Chair of Governors


Governors & Responsibilities


Our governing body is currently made up of 11 members (maximum 13), representing the local authority (appointed by North Yorkshire County Council), the Diocese (appointed by the Church of England), parents (elected from the parents, by the parents) and members of school staff (elected from the staff, by the staff).  The governors have a general responsibility for the effective management of the school, acting within the framework set by legislation, in order to provide the best possible education for the children.


The day-to-day management lies in the hands of our head teacher and her team of staff.  We always act in the best interests of the school and the children.  If you are interested in becoming a governor, then please feel free to talk to members of the current governing body.


The head teacher and the ex-officio have an ongoing term of office.  All remaining governors serve a four-year term of office before needing to seek re-election or re-appointment.


Governor meetings are generally held twice a term.


Together, the Governors are responsible for:


• Setting aims and targets for the school and checking the school’s progress towards attaining these.


• Monitoring how well the school’s policies and plans are working.


• Accounting for the performance of the school and the Governing Body.


• Working with the Headteacher to make sure that teaching at school is effective, good quality and the children are making the best possible progress, including development of a robust curriculum.


• Taking general responsibility for the school and its budget.


• Challenging and supporting the senior management team and taking opportunities to show interest in and appreciation of staff and pupils.


• Promoting the interests of the school and its pupils in the wider community.
