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Enrichment and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

At STW, we believe as educators we have a responsibility to teach our children about the world around them, in particular the global issues and challenges which face us all.


In 2015, leaders from around the world joined together at the United Nations and agreed that we need to take action; 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were developed.

In line with our vision and Christian values, we are committed to empowering our children to live as global citizens, to take responsibility and create hope in an ever-changing world.  We recognise the SDGs as goals for all people of our planet; teaching staff and children use these to develop a deeper understanding of their importance in sustaining our planet and striving for equality for everyone.


These goals enrich our curriculum: links are made within other curriculum areas and a long term plan has been developed, allowing for a deeper awareness of each goal to be developed.  Every year, our federation takes part in national and international awareness days.

Courageous Advocates

In January 2022, a group of children voiced their passion for protecting the world in which we live. Dedicated to making a difference, the Planet Protectors group was created.

Supporting Charities

We are very proud to support a number of charities and causes over the year, these include local, national and international charities. Our children are encouraged to help choose the charities we support, and in many instances, these will be linked to our focused Sustainable Development Goals. Our School Council and Planet Protectors present these, giving the children opportunity to be part of democratic decision making.

Ways in which our schools are sustainable:

  • We have a school allotment in the school field at Thornton Watlass in which we grow a range of produce.  Our cook and club supervisors use some of the produce within our meals and snacks.
  • We use recycled products from home for art and design technology projects.